Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Halloween fabric

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What do you do before you sew?

I saw this on a friends Facebook page and had to share. I have been doing it all wrong for the last several years!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weekend art project

This weekend the weather was amazing so my daughter and went outside on the patio and got our paint on. Literally got paint on up to our elbows and I managed to get paint on my shirt... I got the idea from Pintrest however I modified it and made it our own.

We painted the backgrounds let her pick her own colors for that. Painted the branches brown and then took a plastic soda bottle and stamped it in the paint and stamped the canvas. Super easy project. K's is the blue one mine is the other. It is amazing how they were the same technique and turned out so beautifully different.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree

However green your branches. Created for my daughter to wear for their holiday party at school.

Fancy Nancy quilt for K

I found this Fancy Nancy panel at JoAnns and I splurged. It was the only one and not on sale. However perfect for my daughter. We have read all the books and she has the doll. Of course I had to make a coordinating one for Fancy Nancy

A quilt for Fancy Nancy

A project I made with my daughter for her 18" doll of Fancy Nancy...

Final border is finally on!!

This quilt has been a long work in progress. With the many upsets and let downs in 2011 I found it difficult to get motivated to quilt much of anything. All said and done all I have left is to cut the backing for it and then convince my mom to quilt it on her long arm quilting machine. In time for someone's b-day this year?

So so pretty...

Some pretties I made for my nieces..