Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Quilt for NAM 2015 continued...

So between work and juggling my child's activities and my other obligations I have not finished my quilt for NAM yet. With my deadline quickly approaching (sat feb 14) it looks like I will be submitting 2 next year. 

With that said I want to post the progress I have made so far. I have even gotten Miss K involved :)

Some of the blocks I have completed. 

Here is the stack I have ready to piece together. 
Miss K's contribution and her learning how to sew. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Quilt for NAM 2015

Here is the starts of another quilt I am making to donate to NAM this year. I try to make and donate one every year for the Quilting Bee my church hosts. The quilts go to women and families who are getting out of bad situations and starting over. 

These are some of the fabrics I will be using. I have added others since this photo that I added from my stash. 

This is my inspiration. I originally saw this on Pintrest and then I saw it come across my facebook feed so I took it as a sign that I should do it.

Here is one of the blocks I have come up with. I changed it up to make it more my own. Only about 95 more to go and sashing and borders... Oh my I better get to work.