Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lots of projects going on...

I haven't been blogging as much as I would like so here is what I have been doing quilting wise. Between school and my daughter I try to squeeze in as much as I can when I am not studying or doing homework... This week I have been busy!

Cupcake Table runner is Finished! this is the finished product before I turned it over to the school... I will have to eventually make one for myself (once I stop seeing cupcakes everywhere).

This is a quilt I am working on as I get ideas for it. I picked up the bird panel from the donated fabrics table from a previous quilting bee I attended. I framed the panels with more donated fabric. I am trying to decide what to put in between the squares. I was thinking of solid color panels (muted tones). Then I was thinking of doing window blocks (not sure what colors to use for the squares).

Yes some birds are flying upside down at the moment of this picture. My daughter went and rearranged them and put some upside down. :)

This beautiful miniature I am calling "Mother's Flower Garden" I am trying to get some miniature quilts done to sale in the next little while. I just need to finish the border. I did this from a few fat quarters I picked up from JoAnn's. Some of them the prints were pretty but I decided the flowers were too spaced out so I fussy cut the big rose prints out. I love this combo and might at some point buy yardage to make a bigger version. That is when I can support my habit again!

There is another miniature that I finished yesterday that I haven't taken a picture of yet. I will include that in my next blog.

Ok here is my final thing for this blog entry.... (drum roll please)...
We have a "Leftover" quilt! There are Jelly Rolls, and Honey Buns and Turnovers. Well I have "Leftovers." Leftovers is just that, fabrics leftover when cutting out blocks. Most people throw these pieces away. My mother even told me that they were too small to do anything with! I will admit I did too up until I had a big stack of pieces just big enough to do something with. This quilt is about 7" X 6" and the perfect size for my daughters polly pocket dolls and her doll house furniture. I used left over binding from other projects and left over strips that didn't get used.

I am open to any ideas y'all might have to offer.


  1. Ooooh! I look forward to seeing the bunnies quilt come to life, those blocks are adorable and the fabrics that you chose go so well.

  2. Your bunnies are so cute--they will make such a cute quilt! I like your little bitty quilt, too!!! Your daughter will enjoy playing with that one!

  3. i love the cupcAkes! you are sooo good. Send me a blanket sometime! lol I am trying to convince bryan to apply for his masters in TX..
