Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why I Quilt...

I quilt for many reasons but the main reason is Stress Relief!
I can get in the zone once I have all my squares or strips cut out. I can stitch for hours as it calms me. My ex stresses me out when it comes to our daughter. Needless to say I have been stressed out this week. Not knowing if he was going to come get our daughter for Spring Break (he never showed) but the disappointment he left behind (broke my daughters heart).

I have started a few more projects in the last week. Have picked up a few that I had abandoned temporarily (one involving a lot of Froging). I am almost done with the one I abandoned, I had to take apart about 20 4 patch blocks because my seam allowance was too big (forgot to change my settings on the machine). Now I could have adjusted all my other blocks and strips but I didn't want to think too hard on having to re-measure everything. I only have about 6 more to piece together and then figure out what I am going to put in between the blocks. I will post pictures later in the week.

I Quilt to create and bring out my artistic side. Growing up I would paint and draw. I am able to look at something and tell if it is missing something or has too much of something. I can look at colors and tell if they are or aren't going to work together.

It has been proven in various studies that sewing, creating, crafting, drawing, painting, etc. is calming. Art is powerful. It can tell a story. It can convey a feeling or emotion. What is your current project telling us?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we're on the same page aren't we? Sorry you're ex stresses you out, but it's good you've got an outlet for all that stress and heartbreak. Also, I love your cupcake runner. Very cute!
