Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Almost done...

Here is the quilt I have been working on for Katlynn (for her Birthday that was back in March) my goal is to get it done in the next few weeks. I have decided that I love this quilt! It is a cheerful quilt and while I was putting on the board to take a picture of it, it kind of looked like a stained glass window from the backside.  This quilt has been interesting to put together. I have had to make a few modifications as I went, have had to go "frogging" a few times as I was not satisfied with how something looked. When I started I had to undo about 20 blocks because I had some shrinkage problems with a particular fabric. Then I didn't like my first pick of border, I needed something to break up the greens and make it pop a lot more. This quilt is used out of the leftover fabrics I used to make the miniature quilts for my daughter at Christmas time. Giving her a matching blanket when she is playing with her animals. The first picture is of  what I am going to put on the borders. The outer border is also what I plan to put on the back somehow (I want to piece the back so she can have 2 blankets in one). I have about 4 weeks before I start my summer classes so I have plans to finish some of the projects I started but haven't had time to finish during that time.